KAU WeedZap - (Farmer's Companion for all matters Weed)

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Date: Jun 25, 2024

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Management measures for limnocharis flava

Preventive measures * Use good quality seeds free of weed seeds * Cleaning seeds by dipping in 2% brine solution (salt solution) helps in selection of high density seeds and separation of floating weed seeds. * Use appropriate seed rate. * Keep cattle out of the field where possible Cultural methods * Land levelling: Land preparation should start 3-4 weeks before sowing or planting. Ploughing done for land preparation should destroy the weeds and remaining stubbles from the previous crop. In addition to it, a level field helps to retain a constant water level that control weeds. * Stale seed bed technique: It involves preparing the soil as if for planting, without actually planting the crop. Instead the weeds are allowed to grow. Then, weeds have to be killed with suitable herbicide. * Submergence and weed management: Early and continuous flooding at a shallow depth (2 cm) help to suppress the emergence and growth of problematic weeds. Broadcasting pre-germinated rice seeds after inundation of the field to a depth between 4 and 6 cm and by maintaining the water level continuously help the farmer to minimize the rice weed competition. * In dry seeded low land, cowpea can be sown by mixing its seeds with rice at 12.5 kg/ha. After the onset of south west monsoon when the cow pea is at the age of about six weeks, it will be decayed and self-incorporated into the soil. * In wet seeded lowland, daincha can be raised as an intercrop by sowing 20 kg seed of daincha/ha along with rice. Daincha can be incorporated by spraying 2,4-D at 1.0 kg/ha at 30 days after sowing. Mechanical methods * Inter cultivation using mechanical weeders like cono weeder/ power weeder * Hand weeding/ Weed pulling: Hand weeding to uproot and remove the weed from the field before the critical period. Critical period of weed control in direct seeded rice is zero to 40 days after sowing. Critical period of weed control in transplanted rice is 15-45 days after transplanting * Mowing: Mowing to cut the above ground of the weed can prevent and reduce seed populations and restrict the weed seed bank. * Tillage: Tillage means turning over of the soil using implements with tractor mounted ploughs, cultivators or rotavators. This helps to control weeds because when the soil gets overturned, the vegetative parts of the plants are damaged and root system are exposed causing desiccation. * Soil solarization: Controlling weed seeds by covering the soil with a layer of clear or transparent sheet in the nursery area will trap heat energy from the sun and raise the temperature of the soil causing death of weed seeds. * Fire: The harvested stubbles of weeds can be burnt as an economical and practical method of weed control if used carefully. Chemical methods * Broad cast 2,4-D ,0.80 kg ai/ha (Fernoxone 80% WP, 0.48 g/ acre), Chlorimuron ethyl + Metsulfuron methyl 0.004 kg ai/ha ( Almix 20% WP , 8 g/ acre ), Carfentrazone ethyl 0.02 kg ai/ha ( Affinity 40 DF,20 g/acre) , Ethoxysulfuron 0.015 kg ai/ha ( Sunrise 15 WDG,40 g/acre ) at 20-25 DAS /DAT.


Date: Jun 01, 2024

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Test 111222dfksh 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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